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If you're looking for me to brag about how cute my kids are (which they are) or talk about how much weight I did or didn't lose this week, you are in the wrong place! I have a Facebook account for that. This blog is about the blunt truths of parenting, tips and tricks of the trade, some addicting mommy junk and all the other disgusting hilarity that ensues when you have kids...especially two kids only 12 months apart like myself.

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Thursday, March 17

Last minute St. Patrick's Day fun

If you're like me, some of the smaller holidays (aka not Christmas or Halloween) get skipped depending on my mommy mojo. This year St. Patrick's Day was one of the skipped ones.

In an attempt to find something fun and last minute to do with my kids, I search the net and found this!

Catching Leprechauns

All you need is some sidewalk chalk and cement!