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If you're looking for me to brag about how cute my kids are (which they are) or talk about how much weight I did or didn't lose this week, you are in the wrong place! I have a Facebook account for that. This blog is about the blunt truths of parenting, tips and tricks of the trade, some addicting mommy junk and all the other disgusting hilarity that ensues when you have kids...especially two kids only 12 months apart like myself.

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Wednesday, April 6

Wordless Wednesday: Looking back on Bubbi...

Mommy 8 mos prego with Bubbi...

Bubbi. 6 pounds 10 ounces

Bubbi one week old at the pool!

Bubbi 3 mos with her bow glued on...

So cute!

 Fashionista Bubbi!

Pretty toes...by Love at First Click Photography

Rockin' her bikini at her first birthday party

At The Little Gym

1 comment:

Kim4leafclover said...

I remember that day at the pool! She was so tiny! And Lilly was still in my belly. Gosh Time flies!